Put it like this, if you are overweight and you have excess body fat to lose, you will lose a good bulk of that on ANY calorie restricted plan.
Put it like this, if you are overweight and you have excess body fat to lose, you will lose a good bulk of that on ANY calorie restricted plan.
That is why many get on so well to begin with - they cut their food intake way too much, they lose weight for a few weeks but then it stalls. When it stalls, they cut calories more and can't understand why they're suddenly cranky, hormonal, fatigued, drained and pimple skinned!
Regular "low carb, low fat" diet plans play havoc on your body.
Yes, metabolic damage DOES exist, everything on this planet can be destroyed/damaged, so yeah, that includes your metabolism.
If you slow your body down enough for it to barely be able to perform basic organ and hormonal functions, do you really think fat loss and "toning up" is gonna be a priority for your body?
No, your body wants to survive first at optimal level.
Once your body knows "all is safe" out there and it's in no danger, once it's getting everything it needs (this is where you feed it properly) then and only then, will fat loss and the oul "toning up" become a whole lot easier for you.
I'll tell you how. Keep it simple. Food. Damnnnn we like real food and plenty of it girl ;)
You should not feel starving on the journey to better health, granted, you will crave a lot of sugar for the first while, that goes away though... as long as you replace the cravings with other nutritious belly fillers.
I won't make this a long post - you know you need your protein, carbs and fats but what does that all even mean without good health?
You already have a good idea what you should be eating, if you're currently doing my bootcamp or online guide, you'll know exactly what to eat every day, but I do need to stress one thing many girls and guys slack with;
Listen, if you've ever done any of my plans, you'll just know I love my vegetables.
I encourage a lot of certain veggies with many meals.
Google the benefits of raw beet and raw cabbage and then come back to be with a broader mind ;)
Simply adding in raw vegetables midday will unleash energy you didn't realise you had, the best thing is, you can eat A LOT of veggies. There's seriously no limit, fill your plate!
All those vitamins, minerals and enzymes get to work straight away in your cells, if only you could see the instant impact a fresh vegetable juice has on your body - hence, The LD Green Shake that I've been including in my clients (and my own) diet for YEARS!
Ask me about it and watch my face light up as i try to convince you to try it! :)
And another thing we forget about...
Slimming world tells you avocados are a SIN.
Are avocados the dirty work of the inner devil fatty world?
HELL NO. Avocados are one of the most amazing foods in the world... BUT... in the right moderation of course.
Our brains need 30g of fat a day to even function, so imagine the brain fog you get when you cut out healthy fats altogether on such plans!
Now, if you cut out so called "sinful" foods for long enough, what do you think will happen?
You already know, don't you...
Your hair starts falling out, your skin looks drawn and dry.
Sex drive... what sex drive?!
Eating the right foods, will make your life a lot richer, in all ways, eat good and you'll feel good.
If you believe you already feel good, maybe you just haven't unleashed the true feel good potential that's in you yet!
Yup, i have to mention the most confused
I will keep this extremely simple. If you cut out carbs or cut them down to a dangerous amount, you WILL end up with a weight gain rebound and a sadder face.
Stop looking for shortcuts. I'm talking real life carbs here - potato, rice, quinoa, beans, fruits, veggies. I'm not talking about the fake carbs - wraps, breads etc.
Do not try to master everything at once.
This is important, you have to realise that you won't completely overhaul your whole life in 4 weeks, or 6 weeks, or 8. It takes time to learn what really works for your body. It takes at least 4 - 6 weeks for you to see a significant change in your health, face and body!
It should never be a "let's try it for a few weeks" effort. It should be a continuous effort, when you look back n a year and realise how different you feel.
Not everyday will be a good day. Read that AGAIN. Not everyday will be a good day.
You need to accept that, otherwise, you will give up at the first sniff of self pity.
For example, there will be days where your daily diet consists of a typical Irish dinner, a slice of cake, extra fudge sauce please and 3 black coffees... (me, yesterday)
A day like that won't put you off though! Hell, 95% of the time, you can stand by your efforts and give yourself a massive jump over the fence kinda over excited high 5!
95% of the time you'll feel on top of the world! This is a lifestyle, I am a kale queen.
Remember though, balance... 5% of the time you'll feel like a single legged walking sheep eating dry nuts for the tenth time that day but hey that's life!
Unless you have experienced a lifestyle shift or change in body in the last 2 months that you are HAPPY with, then the next 2 months will be the same, unless you make a change and actually ACT on it.
Delaying action doesn't make us feel any better, it actually makes us feel a little smaller and incapable in our heads. Take action and if you already have, well done!
You're braver than you think and you'll soon feel healthier and more confident than you ever thought possible.
Health First, with love and smiles,
Lisa Dee
My website is nearly ready but in the meantime, info about all my plans can be found HERE GIRRRL I'm also on youtube and I have a few posts with a difference coming soon, some of which I am nervous about. Click here to watch
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