Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Become A Morning Person!



Hit the snooze button at least 3 times when the alarm goes off? If you look at most successful people in life, entrepreneurs, fitness professionals or athletes, one thing they have in common is starting the day early with a good healthy routine. Waking up early can be hard at first, especially if your mornings are as dark as Irish mornings in the winter, however once you put a few simple steps into place, you'll find getting up earlier in the morning easier in no time!
Step 1 - Check your goals last thing at night
What you think about before you go to bed, could be what you think about when you wake up. That's why many who fall asleep with stresses, wake up feeling unrefreshed, thinking about the same stresses. We will use your fitness goals as an example; If you want to get up early to hit a workout, and get the day started with a fresh bang, then have a read of your fitness goals before you sleep or keep a photo reminder on your bedside table, or the ceiling about your pillow! As soon as that alarm goes off, you will know why it’s important to get out of bed and get the day started, you'll have the reminder fresh in your mind. By having that constant reminder of where you want to go, will make your morning routine a lot easier.
Step 2 – Leave your alarm clock across the other side of the room 
The best, and sometimes only, thing to stop you from hitting the snooze button a hundred times is to place your alarm clock across the room. When it goes off, you actually have to get out of bed to turn it off.  You don't want to wake the whole house by leaving it buzzing. Getting out of bed to turn it off is better than a sleepy kick from your partner snoozing beside you. As soon as you are up, there's little chance you'll jump back into bed as your body is more awake from moving from your comfy spot.
Step 3 – Hydrate!
When you wake up you are dehydrated which is half the reason you feel groggy! Most then make the mistake of reaching for caffeine in the form of a tea or a coffee straight away, which only dehydrates you more. As soon as you wake up, the first thing you need to do is drink a big glass of lemon water to wake up your digestive system and your whole body. Have a rule that you can only reach for the coffee mug once you have rehydrated yourself.
Step 4 – Set a sleeping routine
If you are guilty of going to bed super late due to social media, watching television, or  still working, then you need to stop and create some downtime before bed. I personally struggle with this a lot, I find myself working until close to midnight many weeknights, a habit I'm trying to fight.
To become a morning person you need make sure you have a regular sleeping routine, so your body clock knows when it’s time to sleep. I recommend  at least one hour of no technology or stress before you go to bed, which give you the chance to unwind after a busy day. Have a camomile tea an hour before you hope to sleep, it will help!
Step 5 - Prepare
 Make sure you lay out your clothes the night before, so it’s all ready as soon as you wake up. If you are heading to the gym, then make sure your workout gear AND breakfast is all prepared the night before. If you're running late after the gym, it's nice to know your tasty breakfast is already prepared to eat and go!

These changes may sound too simple or too good to be true but small changes like these to your daily lifestyle will make all the difference and in turn help you feel more productive and energised!

Love, Lisa xx


  1. So beautiful girl.
    thank you.
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  2. thanks for you advice! but I don't understand how to start my day at 8 a.m. :) here is a post with 26 additional tips of hoe to be a skylark!
